This cuppies is for Salsabiila's kids.. (Ammar's school) semangat dia nak pergi party pagi Jumaat tu.. so a day before I buat la Vanilla cuppies without topping. Hope they enjoy it :) 100 pcs Vanilla butter cup cakes
Happy Birthday to Abg Joe, Kak Ct, Abg Pie, Atika, Atiah, Sufi, Syira, Azila and E-Cha... ramainya.. for sure meriah majlis nie.. anyway thanks to Ika for this big order :)
3 kgs Chocolate Moist Cake with Chocolate Ganache
Add on : Buttercream, gumpaste flower & fondant for deco.
Happy Birthday Mak... ni tugasan mengejut yang diberikan oleh Nurul selepas dia tgk 'big cup cake' hari sebelumnya... Yul minta 1/2 kgs je.. tp yg jadi sebaliknya.. anyway harap Yul suka kan kek tu...
1.5 kgs Chocolate Moist cake with chocolate ganache and butter cream.